Erotic Stories that will Ignite Sparks in your Relationship
Erotic Stories that are designed for couples to read to each other to spark some enticing conversation.
Coach Coco realized during her relationship sessions, that most couples need interactive sexual entertainment, to promote intimacy within their bond.
Not everyone is into pornography, and a collection of short erotica that lovers can read to each other, is another way, to create arousal and stimulation. The goal is to bring the sexy back into the bedroom!
My husband and I love reading scenes from this book. The stories have great story lines that make for great conversations. And whew!! the hot sex after the readings is epic! -Fatima K.
We were caught up in the stories because of how well written they were and were engrossed in the topic discussions at the end, leaving little room for intimacy, however we made up for it the next morning. This book is hot!!!!! -Michael M.
My lover and I were happy to read and relate to, the lesbian scenes that were sprinkled in the stories. We mimicked a scene and it helped us stop arguing and got back to how we started our relationship. This book really made us think and fix our problems. Thank YOU, Coach!! -Janice B.
I saw the cover and was immediately drawn to this book, because I am in an interracial relationship. My Husband and I loved these stories, and we roll played the main characters a lot. I embodied the spirit of Goddess, and like her, became an expert at pleasing my biggest fan, my darling husband. We love Coach Coco and have read all her books. Even the ones written under her pseudonym “Mack Mama.” She is our relationship Coach, and we love her. Not only do we have better communication, but we have also discovered our love language with the help of this erotic book. Thanks again Coach! – with love Michelle and Keith H.